Global News picturing one of my melted for sale signs in front of a burning property. 

If You Were Evacuated. Call Your Insurance Company Now. 

Speaking from experience, if you have been evacuated from your home due to the Tantallon Forest Fire, call your insurance company to start a claim. Do it now.  It does not matter if you do not know the condition of your property.  You will not know its condition until you return to it. The best case scenario means that could be in the coming days, but in my scenario it took upwards of a month.

My Story (Skip to the advice section if you would prefer)

In May 2016, we had an abnormally warm week. We were used to the smoke from forest fires in Alberta, as our town was nestled deep in the boreal forest.…

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If you bought a home at the Peak of 2022, you’re okay!

I’m sure that if you purchased a home in April or May last year, everyone you spoke to about it had a look of terror wash over their face. It would have followed with doom and gloom comments about rising interest rates and how they were going to cause a calamitous drop in home prices. While rising rates did cause a slowdown in sales and a 16% drop in average price, those losses are almost completely erased in six short months.

At time of writing, the average price of a home in the Halifax Regional Municipality is $572,000 (based on a rolling 3 months of data). At the peak, we were at $602,000.  At the bottom, we were at $506,000. Since the bottom in October, the average price has recovered by…

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