How quickly will my house be on the market?
This seems like a simple question but it is an important one. I’ve seen countless occasions where seller’s were given false promises as to the start date of a listing. Whether through delays with photographers due to poor organization or a lack of urgency from the agent, it’s not a good way to start a working relationship. Customer service not only about meeting expectations, but aiming to exceed them. Starting a listing on time as per the promise made to you is the bare minimum requirement.
At HaliPad, we can launch a listing within a 24 hour period if we have enough notice beforehand to arrange the photographer. We guarantee our listings go to market on time, as per the promises we make to you.
It’s Your Move: Make sure you hold your agent accountable for the promises they make to you. #ItsYourMove #NicePad #HaliPad
Posted by Chris Perkins on
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