Found 10 blog entries tagged as halifax real estate.

Leveraging Your Equity

Even with the recent slow down in the market, property values are still significantly higher than they were last year.  Many homeowners have no idea how much equity they have in their home and similarly, are not sure what opportunities that equity provides.  I often hear people say how they could never afford to buy a new home because they are too expensive now.  However, most people I speak to do not fully understand their borrowing potential when leveraging their equity. 

For example, I had a client who purchased their semi-detached home many years ago for $170,000. We recently sold their home for $340,000, which meant they had some $200,000 in equity to play with.  Instead of rolling that entire amount into a new mortgage,…

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The Art of Negotiation

For the past two years, the value we’ve brought to our clients has been in the form of winning competing offers when buying a home, or leveraging multiple offers when selling. Now that the market has taken an abrupt turn, it is important that your Realtor changes their tactics to ensure your success when making a move. 

When selling, your Realtor now needs to do a lot more work to obtain feedback from buyer agents while encouraging them to submit an offer.  Obtaining an offer is half the battle, the other half is negotiating favourable terms.  It’s unlikely you’ll like everything about an offer when it is submitted, but it is always advisable to work with the buyer to reach an agreement where everyone is happy.

Buyers today…

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As summer is in full swing, a cooler real estate market still represents a hot one. It is easy to lose sight of perspective when it comes to Halifax real estate.  For years, it ticked slowly upwards without absurd swings in either direction.  The last two years dominated the media and in turn, dominated conversations across the province.  It is important to understand the statistics that form the foundation of our current housing market.

The number of sales in June 2022 was only beaten once in the past twelve months - in May of 2022.  Sales remain strong even though inventory is on the rise.  However, we still only have 1.4 months of supply.  This means that if nothing else were listed, it would only take a month and a half for…

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Is Halifax The New Toronto? - Halifax Real Estate 2022

Real Estate markets across Canada have a lot of similarities. Buyers can use what is happening in other cities to foreshadow what might happen in their local area, using the knowledge gained to navigate rapidly changing conditions. Join Adam Scott as he sits down with Paul Purcell from Royal LePage Urban based out of Toronto as they discuss the market, the challenges buyers face in Toronto and how they have pivoted in order to secure homeownership. What Paul experienced in the Toronto market may very well be a prelude for what's to come in Halifax.

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The Inventory Chasm

The jump in the average price from December to January is nothing short of astonishing. Sales are down by almost 40% from last year, but that's not due to a lack of buyers. Rather, there is simply nothing to buy. Let me paint a picture for you. Currently, there are only ten condos for sale on the entire Halifax Peninsula. Two of those are listed below $400,000, the next cheapest is $1,014,500. That is a gap better described as a chasm. In January, the average price of a home in the Halifax Regional Municipality was $581,180. Sellers were on average obtaining 111% of their asking price. 

Next, let's talk about a certain Spryfield semi-detached. A nice home built in 2010, well-maintained and with a few recent upgrades. We listed…

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Market Value vs. List Price - Halifax Real Estate 2022

In this video Chris Perkins, Broker/Owner discusses Market Value vs List Price, and which is more important in the Halifax Real Estate Market. 

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The Importance of Hiring a Certified Professional - Property Assessments - Halifax Real Estate 2022

When you are buying a house in the Halifax Real Estate Market, we recommend doing a house inspection - even if you think you know exactly what house you are walking into. Hiring a professional, like a general contractor will see things that we just don't see. In this particular case, the inspection report changed our view of the property, and saved our clients a lot of money and headache.

Have you had an experience like this with a home inspection that changed your mind about a house? Let us know in the comments below.

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What the hell was that and can you please make it stop?

2021 was breathless from the outset. It seemed that overnight, people’s patience snapped and an overwhelming urgency took hold.  Competition exploded and the lid flew off offer prices like a cat flies off a cucumber. While the penny dropped quickly, it was a problem that had been building for months. For some shocking perspective, look at the number of homes for sale in the Halifax Regional Municipality over the past four years:

  •        December 2018 | 2,055
  •        December 2019 | 1,298
  •        December 2020 | 626
  •        December 2021 | 214

This represents an inventory decrease on a scale larger than a blue whale. That’s big. What’s more, the number of sales has…

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CMHC just released their housing outlook for the Halifax Central Metropolitan Area and is forecasting strong growth for the next two years.  Residential housing starts are expected to increase in both the apartment and single family home markets.  A high amount of inter-provincial and international migration coupled with an ageing population looking to downsize is driving the growth.  Apartment construction will be focused mainly on the Peninsula and is expected to ramp up through 2020. 

After recording a growth of nearly 30% the last two years, new construction starts of single family units will flatten out and grow at a more modest pace. A tightening re-sale market with fewer options to choose from may mean people look at new construction to…

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